Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Running in the Rain

 I've finally been getting back on the proverbial horse and doing some cardio. I surprised myself last night by completing my basic upper body workout and followed it up with the 3.3 mile run.

I was originally thinking of skipping cardio. I was tired and rather hungry. Mentally I had skipped it even as I got in my car to head home from the gym, but something pulled me to the nearby lake. Maybe it was my low step count on the day or just feeling like I could put in some overtime work.

Still I got out there and agreed with myself, "just one lap, very slow pace". I can usually start with that, but for some reason my legs like to find their own pace after a while. I felt really good by the end of the lap, as though there was some extra energy tucked away. Seeing I still needed a couple thousand steps, I decided to do a partial "there and back" lap to get me to 10K steps. By the end I noticed the lack of food had caught up with me.

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