Thursday, October 6, 2016

Number 2 Visiting Number 1

I'm traveling for work over the next day or so. Attending a workshop in Washington DC on the topic of magnetic tunnel junctions. It's a collection of many of the usual suspects that I see at conferences and is a good venue for industry/academia.

I love that I get to come back to DC every so often. I feel it puts me in a minority of people who do. However, after working as a postdoc in the area in, what is nearing a decade ago, I see the charm of the place. Not to mention there are familiar faces that I can meet for dinner and drinks.

Sitting in here in this workshop I was trying to think of a tidbit on DC that's somewhat related to the (initial) intent of the blog. Then I recalled, "isn't this one of the fittest areas in the country?"

Indeed, at least according to the American Fitness Index website. It's number 1. Interestingly, the Twin Cities are number 2! Now what does this mean? The reports summarize data across a number of areas from the details of the area, e.g. amount of parkland, and local behaviors, e.g. exercise and smoking. A composite score is generated and then ranking occurs based on the scores as shown below. I suggest checking out the reports:

While this may need to be taken with a little grain of salt, I'd love to see The Twin Cities become number 1. Really, it'd be great to see the country increase its overall fitness level in general. As by comparison to the rest of the world the USA is not in the top 10 according to an analysis reported by 24/7 Wall Street (again take with a water softener-sized grain of salt). Especially since some of the countries are hardly the size of big metro areas like DC. 

The question then becomes, "what do the other countries have that the US doesn't?"

Here we start to trend on the heated topics of healthcare policy, GDP and other factors all of which are beyond the scope of this blog at this point. I leave that as an exercise to whoever might be reading these (more G+1's and comments would be nice) to the reader to look at the data and have a civilized discussion. In the meantime I'll be looking at the data to see if there are any ways for personal improvement. First should be fewer grains of salt.

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