Friday, July 28, 2017

Running update

So I've been attempting this "run two miles everyday come hell or high water" thing over the last month. I'm getting in 4 to 6 runs in per week on average and it has made for a good routine. The run takes me anywhere from 21 to 28 minutes depending on how I'm feeling. Honestly, slower gives me more time sweating and huffing and puffing.

I think I'm starting to see some progress in way of the bath scale. I was weary of stepping on the scale this morning after not being on it for at least a week. To my surprise though I have broken a threshold and can safely say I've dropped 10ish pounds since starting the routine. I'm feeling some relief over it as I've found something that I can be fairly persistent at and is showing results

Go Joe!

I have a little travel and such coming up, hopefully I'll be able to keep up the momentum. Another challenge is that I'm noticing the days are getting shorter and soon, the weather will be getting colder. I'll have to find the stomach to keep going outside, else it might soon be time to find a gym. I was working out at the local high school, but as I've mentioned before, it can be hard to feel motivated in such places.

It may be also time to start working on the diet. Despite my running, my eating habits haven't changed much. In fact I'm finding times where the food cravings are elevated from the increased activity. That is totally okay, it just becomes a matter of what I put back into my body. Hopefully it will be veggies and proteins, but the occasional cookie may sneak by.

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